BOOST Your Practice This New Year
BOOST Your Practice is the BEST way to start a new year. The program is time tested and well loved.
Resolutions are whack. They never work.
So you should BOOST Your Practice instead!
If you don’t have much time to read, just click here for the details, and make sure to register. The Holidays are going to get busy. And registration closes on Thursday, January 2nd.
You might even consider “Giving the Gift of BOOST” this Holiday Season. Imagine giving a gift that turns resolutions into action? A gift that enlivens us. A way to connect with our creative life force. A blessing of community.
(And maybe even a way to get an ace on your team 😉)
I want to say a couple of more words about BOOST, but before I go on…
Remember last week’s New Moon? Maybe you don’t. But I asked you to Talk to Me About Resentment. And I meant it! I need your help. This is for the Creative Project I’ll be working on when we BOOST.
Bows of gratitude to the generous souls that have already gotten back to me. Very especially to those who spoke personally. And vulnerably. About how you are actively wrestling with resentment.
Ok... one more thing before I get back to BOOST.
I am honored and delighted by the show of interest in The Coaching Cohort for Facilitators. You still have a little time to let us know if you are interested in joining us in January. If January does not work for you, but you are interested in participating in the future. You can get on the list and you will receive a priority invitation to our next offering (before it goes to the full list).
A Deeper Look at Why We BOOST
We launch on January 6, which we celebrate as “Three Kings Day” in Puerto Rico. Día de los Reyes. It was when we got our Christmas gifts. (It kinda sucked to have to wait longer than the other kids, but now I appreciate my dad’s commitment to tradition).
It is the feast of the Epiphany. And there is a reason why I’m talking about it.
An epiphany can be understood as “a sudden and profound realization.” As an “insight, or understanding of something significant.” It often comes unexpectedly and can lead to a new perspective. To clarity. It is like a moment of enlightenment that can reshape how we look at our own life.
When we invite you to BOOST Your Practice we are inviting you to get yourself the support you need. So that you can align all of your being with the Creative Life Force of the Universe.
To make yourself ready for Epiphany.
Yes. These are big words. And ours is a bold claim.
But it turns out you live in a universe that moves towards entropy. A universe in which things are coming apart. (Check out the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics if you want to geek out.)
You live on a planet that has been through five great extinctions.
And yet here it is today. Still teeming with life.
Life wants to happen against all odds.
We are in the middle of a big bang that’s still banging. And its creative life force wants to burst through your every pore.
When we BOOST Our Practice we, we say YES! to this force. We:
Wake up at 6AM, and align our mammalian bodies with the circadian rhythm of the earth.
We commit to meditation, and thus we come into contact with the nature of reality itself.
We commit to nourishing our bodies.Literally feeding our life force. Learning to treat ourselves well.
We commit to exercise. And thus become more embodied. We invigorate ourselves.
We commit to a creative project. We step out of “task land.” Out of the reactivity of work that is always responding to somebody else’s demand. We turn ourselves over to the muse. We make room for what is beautiful. The work that is truly ours to do.
It is in this turning ourselves over to the Creative Life Force that we raise our voices in joyful rebellion. We look entropy in the face. And we say: “Watch this! We’ll make beauty out of it!”
It is through these practices that our bodies become vessels.
Vessels of the Creative Life Force.
For the Greeks, epiphany also meant "manifestation" or "appearance.”
BOOST is a set of conditions. Conditions for manifestation. For something new to appear.
And we can only do it together.
That’s the awesomeness of BOOST. The commitment to mutual support. The playfulness of good hearted competition. The sense of supporting each other as we aim to steal the culture. We create. We don’t produce. And we do it with each other. We do it together.
Something in us knows the truth.
Entropy wins in the end.
But we sing our song anyway.
And that’s what makes us beautiful.